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Web Design & Development Intake Form

Thank you for considering Drive Technologies for your needs. The first step towards helping you is to understand your needs. What better way of doing this than having you fill a form. We do not expect you to have all the answers, it is going to be a start so let us get started.

    1. Contact Information


    2. Business Information

    3. Website Details


    Website URL:

    New WebsiteRedesign

    What do you like about your current website?*

    What would you like to improve or change in the redesign? *

    4. Website Pages

    5. Design Preferences

    6. Content & Visual Elements





    7. Timeline & Budget

    1-2 months2-4 months4-6 months6+ months

    Under $2,500$2,500 - $5,000$5,000 - $10,000Open

    8. Maintenance & Updates


    9. Additional Features




    Optional Services


    Our quotation covers the development and design aspects but does not include ongoing website maintenance or hosting, which would incur additional costs. Hosting is handled by third parties at a fee. Drive Technologies offers a monthly or annual UltraFast Hosting Package. We’re committed to providing a comprehensive solution and happy to discuss maintenance and hosting options tailored to your needs.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)