Additional Services

We provide

Comprehensive Business Solutions and IT Services

Explore our additional services designed to enhance your business operations, from professional email setups and phone systems to SharePoint administration and secure password management. We provide tailored IT solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

Business Email (Google and Microsoft)

Set up professional business email accounts with Outlook or Google Business Email. We handle the entire setup process, ensuring you have a reliable and secure email solution.

Phone Systems: Cloud and On-Premise

We offer HIPAA-compliant phone systems that are app-based and web-based, providing flexibility and reliability for your business communication needs.

SharePoint and Teams Administration

Optimize your team's collaboration with our SharePoint and Teams administration services. We set up cloud file management systems that streamline your workflow and enhance productivity.

Password Management

We offer password management services and can help you find the right tool to keep your passwords safe. Our solutions ensure your passwords are secure, easily accessible, and properly managed. We will help you research the best password manager and help you implement it

Ready to Get Started?

Don’t wait any longer! Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)