Website Design & Redesign

We build websites that Drive Results!

If you are unfamiliar with the 5-second rule, you are failing your business. Research shows that website visitors take 3-5 seconds to decide whether they stay on your site on their first visit. This is called bounce rate. If you lose them within those initial seconds, there is a 99% chance you will never get them back. 

Let that not be you. Let Drive design your website for you and help you hook them.

We have the latest tools to help us audit your current site. We can do an audit and show you the numbers. This is a science and not guesswork.

We have built numerous websites that showcase our skills. Have a sliding slide show that shows some of our website portfolio.

Visit our portfolio page to see OUR WORK

1. Planning

We seek to understand the purpose, goals, and target audience of the website. Define the scope, features, and functionality required. Create a site map to outline the website's structure.

2. Research and Content Gathering

Research competitors, industry trends, and target audience preferences. Collect all the necessary content, such as text, images, videos, and other media.

3. Wireframing

Use wireframing tools to create a basic visual representation of the website's layout and structure. This helps define the placement of key elements and the overall user experience.

4. Design

Develop the website's visual style and aesthetics. Design the layout, typography, color scheme, and overall branding elements. Use tools like graphic editors or website builders to create the visual design.

5. Development

Convert the design into a functional website using web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implement interactive elements, navigation, and other features. Optimize the website for responsiveness and compatibility across different devices.

6. Content Integration

6. Content Integration Incorporate the gathered content into the website's design. Ensure the content is structured, organized, and easily readable for visitors.

7. Testing

Thoroughly test the website's functionality, compatibility, and performance. Check for any errors, broken links, or inconsistencies. Test the website on different browsers and devices to ensure optimal user experience.

8. Deployment

Publish the website to a hosting server and make it accessible to the public. Set up domain registration and configure any necessary server settings. Perform a final check to ensure everything works correctly.

9. Optimization and Maintenance

We continuously monitor the website's performance, loading speed, and search engine optimization (SEO). Regularly update the content, security

Approach to Website Design (The Drive Way)

We build stunning websites, redesign existing ones, and offer top-of-the-line consulting services as shown below.


Step 2

We then get together to discuss your project.

Step 4

Delivery of the initial draft for your approval

Step 6

Handover of the final product

Step 1

Fill out our intake form, and the process starts.

Step 3

Proposal signing and start of the project.

Step 5

Revisions as needed
drive techno logo

FAQ's about website development

Get answers to common questions about website development, from design to launch and everything in between.


Other Website Services

Explore our additional website services, including redesigns and maintenance, to ensure your site stays modern and fully optimized.

Website Redesign

Website redesign involves evaluating and improving an existing website through strategic planning, research, content restructuring, visual design updates, enhanced user experience, development and implementation, content migration, testing, launch, and ongoing optimization. Its purpose is to enhance the website's performance, user satisfaction, and alignment with business objectives.

Website Maintenance

Website maintenance involves ongoing tasks like updating content, software, and security, optimizing performance, checking for broken links, testing compatibility, monitoring analytics, backing up data, and providing user support. It ensures the website stays secure, functional, and up-to-date.

Ready to Get Started?

Don’t wait any longer! Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)