Case Study

Website Rebuild, Branding, and Digital Transformation

  • ack’s Automotive Collision Repair
  • Jason Craun (Mack)
  • Automotive Repair, Collision Repair
  • Website Rebuild, Hosting, Website Maintenance, Branding Improvement
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The Challenge:

Mack’s Automotive Collision Repair, a family-owned business in Fairfield, Iowa, has been providing top-notch collision repair services since 1959. With a rich history spanning three generations, the business was in need of an updated, secure website to reflect their commitment to quality service. Their old site was not only outdated but also posed security risks, making it difficult to maintain and unattractive to potential customers.
When Mack’s Automotive came to us at Drive Technologies, we initially tried to update their existing website, but due to the outdated technologies used by the previous designer, a complete rebuild was necessary. Jason Craun, the current owner, wanted a modern, secure website that would improve their branding, online reach, and provide a better user experience for their customers.

Our Solution:

We took on the challenge of transforming Mack’s Automotive’s outdated site into a modern, user-friendly platform that would drive traffic, increase customer engagement, and ultimately boost their business.
Complete Website Rebuild: After determining that the old website could not be salvaged due to outdated technologies, we rebuilt the entire site from the ground up using modern web technologies. The new design is responsive, secure, and optimized for both desktop and mobile users, offering a smooth and easy-to-navigate experience for customers looking for collision repair services.
Branding Enhancement: We enhanced the existing branding of Mack’s Automotive, aligning it with the values and history of the business. The new site visually represents their longstanding commitment to quality work, while emphasizing their family-owned, customer-first approach.
Improved Analytics & SEO: The new website was optimized for search engines, helping Mack’s Automotive reach more potential customers online. With better tracking and analytics in place, the business immediately saw an improvement in site traffic, leading to increased inquiries and repair estimates.
Hosting & Website Maintenance: We continue to host the website and provide regular maintenance, ensuring that it remains secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. Our ongoing support includes updates, backups, and monitoring to prevent any security vulnerabilities.
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The Outcome:

Mack’s Automotive Collision Repair saw an immediate return on investment following the launch of their new website. The improved design and functionality led to better customer engagement and higher search engine rankings, resulting in increased traffic to the site and more customer inquiries.
Jason Craun and his team were thrilled with the results and continue to rely on Drive Technologies for all their website hosting, maintenance, and ongoing digital needs. By modernizing their website, we helped them stay competitive in the digital age while preserving their family legacy and commitment to high-quality service.
Client’s websiteComing Soon

Key Services Provided: Website Rebuild, Hosting, Branding Improvement, SEO, Website Maintenance

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