Case Study

Full Website Design, Business Setup, and Communication Infrastructure

  • Washington Clinic
  • Tyeisha Washington, ARNP
  • Direct Primary Care, Healthcare
  • Website Design, Domain Registration, Business Email Setup, SharePoint Setup & Configuration, VoIP Phone System, Business Registration
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The Challenge:

Washington Clinic, led by Tyeisha Washington, ARNP, came to Drive Technologies as a repeat client seeking comprehensive digital and business setup services. The clinic, based in Iowa City, focuses on delivering affordable and personalized healthcare through the Direct Primary Care (DPC) model, which emphasizes holistic, root-cause treatments for both acute and chronic conditions. Tyeisha needed a new website, email systems, communication tools, and business infrastructure to bring her clinic online and serve the local community effectively.

With her successful experience working with us on previous projects like Glow Hydration Station, Tyeisha trusted us to handle the full digital setup, ensuring the Washington Clinic would stand out in a competitive healthcare landscape.

Our Solution:

We provided Tyeisha and Washington Clinic with a complete solution that included everything necessary to get the clinic operational and online, focusing on functionality, security, and ease of use for both staff and patients:
Custom Website Design: We designed a fully responsive, modern website from scratch to showcase the clinic’s healthcare services, emphasizing the patient-centered approach of Direct Primary Care. The site is intuitive, easy to navigate, and optimized for both mobile and desktop use, allowing patients to book appointments and access healthcare information quickly.
Domain Registration: We handled all aspects of domain research and registration for, ensuring the clinic’s online presence was professional and easy to find.
Business Email Setup: We implemented Microsoft email services, providing secure and reliable communication between the clinic and patients. This setup ensures that the clinic maintains professional communication while adhering to healthcare security standards.
SharePoint Setup & Configuration: We configured Microsoft SharePoint to streamline internal collaboration, file management, and patient record handling, helping the clinic maintain an efficient and organized workflow.
VoIP Phone System: To ensure seamless communication between the clinic and its patients, we installed a new VoIP phone system, which offers flexibility and scalability as the clinic grows. This system provides a clear and reliable connection for patient interactions and appointment scheduling.
Business Registration: We assisted with the legal business setup for Washington Clinic, handling state filing and EIN registration to ensure the clinic was fully compliant and ready to operate.
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The Outcome:

Washington Clinic now has a professional, user-friendly website and a fully operational business infrastructure. The website effectively highlights the clinic’s patient-centered care model, making it easy for patients to learn about services, contact the clinic, and book appointments online. The clinic’s communication systems, including Microsoft email and the VoIP phone system, allow for smooth, secure, and reliable interactions with patients.
With SharePoint in place, the clinic’s internal operations are streamlined, allowing Tyeisha and her team to focus more on providing quality care and less on administrative burdens. The entire project was completed to Tyeisha’s satisfaction, and as a repeat client, she continues to rely on Drive Technologies for all of her business and digital needs.

Key Services Provided: Custom Website Design, Domain Registration, Microsoft Email Setup, VoIP Phone System, SharePoint Setup, Business Registration

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