Case Study

Website Redesign, Branding, and Google Workspace Integration

  • Sycamore Holistic Telepsychiatry, LLC
  • Dr. Jane Mugambi, DNP, MS, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FNP-C
  • Mental Health, Telepsychiatry
  • Website Redesign, Logo Design, Google Workspace Setup, Monthly Website Maintenance
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The Challenge:

Sycamore Holistic Telepsychiatry, LLC came to us in need of a major website overhaul. Their existing site was outdated, difficult to navigate, and had significant security issues. As a practice that provides holistic, multicultural mental health services via telepsychiatry, they needed a professional and secure online presence that reflected their philosophy and made it easy for patients to connect with them.

Dr. Jane Mugambi, the owner and lead practitioner, wanted more than just a design update—she needed a complete rebuild that would highlight their holistic approach to mental wellness while ensuring the security and ease of use for her clients. She also wanted a new logo to breathe fresh life into the brand, along with a streamlined communication system for her growing team.

Our Solution:

We took a deep dive into Sycamore’s unique needs and crafted a comprehensive plan to provide them with a modern website that was secure, user-friendly, and visually aligned with their holistic health philosophy. Here’s what we delivered:
Custom Website Redesign: We didn’t just refresh the look of the old website—we built an entirely new one from the ground up. The new site is responsive, fast, and easy to navigate. It showcases their telepsychiatry services while reflecting Sycamore’s values of mind-body-soul wellness, providing a welcoming and professional experience for potential clients. Plus, it’s secure—ensuring that patient privacy and data security remain a top priority.
New Logo Design: We worked closely with Dr. Mugambi to create a logo that aligns with their holistic approach. The result is a fresh, modern design that symbolizes the balance of mind, body, and soul, giving Sycamore a strong visual identity.
Google Workspace Setup: To help Sycamore improve their internal and external communication, we integrated Google Workspace, providing the team with secure, professional email and collaboration tools. This setup has allowed for smoother, more reliable interactions between staff and clients.
Monthly Website Maintenance: To keep the site running smoothly, we provide ongoing support with monthly maintenance. From security updates to regular check-ins on site performance, we ensure everything stays in top shape.
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The Outcome:

The transformation was incredible! Sycamore Holistic Telepsychiatry now has a sleek, modern website that functions as the central hub for their services. Patients can easily navigate the site, book appointments, and learn more about their approach to holistic mental health care.
The new logo gave their brand a fresh identity that better represents their practice. And with Google Workspace integration, their communication is more streamlined and secure, allowing the team to focus on what matters most—patient care.
Dr. Mugambi and her team were thrilled with the outcome, leaving us a glowing 5-star Google review. We’re proud to have helped elevate their online presence and support their mission to provide holistic, multicultural mental health services.
Key Services Provided: Website Redesign, Logo Design, Google Workspace Email Setup, Website Security Updates, Ongoing Website Maintenance

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